Chvaletice - Restoration of blocks 3 and 4

Královopolská RIA
Customer: Královopolská RIA Realization: 10/2015 - 11/2017

This order was certainly a milestone for our company for several reasons. It was the largest order ever in terms of scope and price.

Chvaletice - Obnova bloků 3 a 4

Its subject was the reconstruction of two 200 MWe blocks, a part of the engine room, and included general repair of turbines and generators, turbofeeders, condensers, pumps, vacuums and other equipment, replacement of bypass stations, turbine valves incl. control changes from a low-pressure to a high-pressure system, revisions and repairs of pressure vessels, coolers, fittings and pipes.

Chvaletice - Obnova bloků 3 a 4

Unlike complex renovations of other power plants, this one was not prepared in advance by the investor and the general contractor (approx. 8 months from the signing of the contract to the shutdown of Unit No. 3, other large renovations of ČEZ power plants are being prepared for several years). It was also not entirely clear until the last moment what the scope of repairs and replacements would actually be, as the degree of damage to the equipment was only determined as part of revisions. For this reason, the contract was accompanied by considerable problems, which mainly affected the shift in the schedule of the entire event.

After the dates were about a year behind the originally planned ones, the investor terminated the contract with the general contractor. We managed to agree the terms for the completion of the contract directly for the investor, and in November 2017 unit 4 was handed over to permanent operation.

Due to the bankruptcy of KP RIA, this contract did not turn out very well for our company from a financial point of view, however, we proved that we are capable of implementing even such large-scale and demanding events.

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