Temelín Nuclear Power Plant - Replacement of PPK gas burners

Customer: ČEZ Realization: 06/2019 - 12/2020

As part of the order, the gas burners of the auxiliary gas boiler room (PPK) at the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant were replaced.

Jaderná elektrárna Temelín - Výměna plynových hořáků PPK

This multi-professional contract was implemented on a turnkey basis and included everything from the dismantling of the original burners, the supply and installation of new low-emission burners, modifications to the gas and air pipes, new linings and insulation, electrical parts and SKŘ, and finally the revision of the boilers themselves.

During the warranty measurements, the required reduction in the emission limits of the boilers, which meet the strict legislative requirements, was demonstrated.

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