Temelín nuclear power plant - replacement of separators

Customer: ŠKODA JS Realization: 06/2020 - 04/2021

For our long-term partner ŠKODA JS a.s. we trained several dozen welders and pipe fitters for event D570 - Exchange of separators of both blocks.

Jaderná elektrárna Temelín - výměna separátorů

This order was the most demanding precisely in securing a large number of workers for 2 shutdowns, when the work only took about 3 weeks each time.

But this was preceded by initial training, psychotests and welding tests, without which the workers could not be allowed into the guarded area of ​​the power plant.

Jaderná elektrárna Temelín - výměna separátorů

Everything worked out and the work was finally completed even ahead of schedule, for which we also received thanks from the investor.

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