ČB heating plant - Reconstruction of TG 5

Teplárna České Budějovice
Customer: Teplárna České Budějovice Realization: 08/2015 - 12/2017

The subject of the reconstruction of TG 5 in the České Budějovice heating plant was to reduce its absorption from the original 200 t/h to approximately 100 t of steam per hour and the associated reduction of TG output to less than 15 MWe.

Teplárna ČB - Rekonstrukce TG 5

First of all, it was a modification of the flow part of the TG, on which we collaborated with Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery.

The steam pipes and oil system were also modified, where the biggest change was the transition from low-pressure to high-pressure control oil.

Teplárna ČB - Rekonstrukce TG 5

As part of the project, switchable steam extraction from the TG to the reduction station was designed and implemented, where at high TG outputs it is possible to use steam from the extraction with a lower potential.

This results in a significant increase in electrical output and financial savings for the customer.

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