České Budějovice heating plant - Construction of HVS and reconstruction of TG 6

Teplárna České Budějovice
Customer: Teplárna České Budějovice Realization: 04/2019 - 12/2020

The subject of this contract was the construction of a hot water exchange station (HVS) directly on the site of the heating plant. The basic source of heat for heating the heating water is two-stage steam heating at the output from TG6 and from its intake with a total output of over 40 MWt.

Teplárna České Budějovice - Výstavba HVS a rekonstrukce TG 6

The subject of this contract was the construction of a hot water exchange station (HVS) directly on the site of the heating plant.

The basic source of heat for heating the heating water is two-stage steam heating at the output from TG6 and from its intake with a total output of over 40 MWt.

Originally the TG6 condensing turbine was specially modified to meet the needs of the district heating network.

The same heat output can then be transmitted to the network by two top heaters, which can work either independently or in series behind the basic heating.

Teplárna České Budějovice - Výstavba HVS a rekonstrukce TG 6

The contract also included the construction of an extension to the engine room, which houses both the hot water network heaters and the new regenerative low-pressure heaters, thanks to which the efficiency of the overall cycle of electricity and heat production is significantly increased.

New circulation pumps with frequency converters ensure optimal supply of warm and hot water to heat exchangers throughout České Budějovice.

The project of the new HVS also anticipates the future connection of the hot water pipe from the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant, with which it will be able to cooperate in order to optimally ensure the supply of heat to the entire hot water system.

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